Once the initial excitement of becoming pregnant has passed, and as the bump grows, your mind turns to the delivery. And, no matter how smooth, there is no avoiding the fact that some blood loss will be involved during your baby’s birth.

Iron for normal delivery

Although serious blood loss during the delivery of a baby is rare (5-6% of women) and is treated in hospital, being iron deficient after giving birth is common.2

Iron for caesarean sections

The number of caesarean sections is increasing across Europe,3 and both emergency and planned C-sections carry a higher risk that you will lose more blood after the delivery than a normal (vaginal) birth.4 Significant blood loss after delivery is known medically as a postpartum haemorrhage. If you are having a C-section because of a complication with your placenta you are likely to lose more blood than someone without complications. But, because you will know this ahead of time, you can make sure your iron levels are enough for your needs. Having iron deficiency or iron deficiency anaemia during the early days with your baby may cause you to experience fatigue and symptoms of depression, which can also affect how well you interact with your baby.5 To find out more about whether you are at risk of iron deficiency see our section Iron and new mothers. If you would like to understand the consequences of iron deficiency at this important time see Postnatal iron deficiency

The difference between fatigue and everyday tiredness

You may think that fatigue is just part of what comes with being pregnant and having a baby, and it is true that you will feel extremely tired at times. But fatigue is different. It is a feeling of both physical and mental exhaustion6 day after day and is associated with iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia.7
